Lab results
Want to store your patient’s test results? We make it easy.
HL7 Messages

Lab test results from selected labs can be uploaded directly into the database. Most systems that collect lab results contain the complete HL7 record sent from that lab. Hence, a single line test result contains around 20 lines of information. This is because redundant information is repeated for every record received. These records accumulate and are often cumbersome to access since there is no clear way of sorting them. The only option is to scroll back through the records until you find an earlier test result to compare with the current one.
With Smart-eHealth, these test results can be sorted by date or name. Thus, they can be easily identified, accessed, and/or exported for patient care or research purposes.
Bioscreen FMA
Smart-eHealth has a feature where clinics can upload Bioscreen Faecal Microbial Analysis (FMA) results.
The system accepts results in PDF format, can store multiple PDFs for a single patient, and can automatically detect PDF duplicates. Results can be viewed in PDF and printed from there.
TOVA (Test of Variables of Attention)
TOVA results can be uploaded. A TOVA file can also be assigned to a patient. Smart-eHealth has the ability to store multiple TOVA results for each patient by extracting quarter, half and total values for Response Time (RT), RT Variability, Commission Errors, Omission Errors and Attention Score. This makes it simple and intuitive for practitioners to access TOVA results.